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Spotlight: ELEMENTALS - Fire Bangle

Josey Slight

The element of FIRE.

Fanning the flames of passion and creativity, building momentum, finding the impetus to reach for our dreams and goals.  Manifesting what we desire for our health, relationships, career. Building confidence, vitality, courage.  On a physical level, toning the digestive and endocrine systems and stimulating healthy sexuality.  Fire element stones resonate with the 2nd (sacral/spleen) and 3rd (solar plexus) chakras.

While the Earth Bangle is a real close second for me (I AM a Virgo--Earth sign!), the Fire Bangle is my personal #1 choice!  The vibrant warm colors make me happy and bring out a joyful vitality in me that keeps my energies humming and my creativity flowing.  It reminds me that I have the know-how and energy to accomplish all the awesome things I want in my life.  That is exactly what I hope to accomplish with this design--and more!

So here are my stone choices for the Elementals - Fire Bangle and why...


The gemstone that stands out most in this bangle is Carnelian (varying shades of orange). Visually it pops, and energetically it is the most assertive!  You could say Carnelian is a Type A ;)  Hehe.  It gets things accomplished and goes its own way.  It's efficient.  What Carnelian does best is get you over the hump to get something done.  It provides stamina, creative boosts, confidence, and vitality. On top of all that, it boosts your sensuality, sexuality and intimacy to balance it all out. It also is excellent for people who are healers by profession--it balances inner spiritual work with being firmly grounded.  Through fortifying our physical body, it strengthens our connection to the Divine.  And, after all that hard work, the marvelous thing about it is that it doesn't step on everyone's toes on the way to its goal. It may be a little bossy, but it's still a team player...and it blends beautifully with the other 5 gems in this design!


Bronzite (also known as Enstatite--it is dark opaque swirly brown) is known as the "stone of focused action."  It's good at helping you see the big picture and then move forward with courage and resolve.  I specifically chose this stone because I feel it anchors the other "fast moving" stones in the design.  It's a little "heavy" (and it actually contains iron!) grounds all the other stones while keeping you grounded as well.  Fire can get messy if it gets out of control, right? :)  Think of Bronzite as the bucket of dirt you can sprinkle on your campfire! (Yeah I know, I have cheesy metaphors to my madness...but with gemstones, I think they really help one to understand their healing properties!)


Tiger's Eye.

Next is a stone you may recognize--Tiger's Eye (gold and brown).  I love this stone--it is such an old soul...a wise teacher with so much to show us.  Tiger's Eye is a stone of Fire and Earth, sun and soil, spirit and body.  This duality teaches us balance in our everyday lives.  It is a firm teacher of finding the harmonious middle ground when presented with extreme situations or polarities in our own emotional lives.  Once we start to learn this lesson, we begin to make choices not based on quick judgment, but by discernment cultivated by our highest self.  Tiger's Eye could be considered the warrior's stone--it protects, brings luck, enhances courage, passion, and physical strength.  Its resonance with the first three Chakras makes it the perfect balance of grounding, practicality, and action.  It is the perfect addition to the Fire bangle, bridging the gaps between all the other stones.



There's no way I couldn't include the ultimate solar plexus (3rd) chakra stone--Citrine (pale yellow)!  It purifies the channels of manifestation and magnifies the incoming flow of all the things you want and need for your highest good.  It stokes the fires of our will and reminds us that we are deserving of abundance.  Consider Citrine your ally for clarity and brainstorming visionary ideas. It's the perfect gemstone to partner with Carnelian especially--it's the kindling to Carnelian's fire!  Citrine is also a gemstone that helps cleanse other gemstones that are nearby.  It will not be bogged down by negative vibes, and because of this it continually clears and recharges the other stones.  It will keep your Fire bangle humming and buzzing!


Honey Calcite.

Out of all the stones in this bangle, Honey Calcite (creamy pale yellow) is the chill provides calm and soothing amidst all the forging ahead and go-getting amidst the burning flames of the Fire element.  Like Citrine, it reminds you that you are deserving of abundance in all areas of your life and helps bring down the walls that you put up to convince yourself otherwise!  It is an amazing stone for "getting the project done" will provide physical stamina, focus and persistence.  It will also give you confidence to overcome any fears of said project, especially fears of taking responsibility.  Physically, this particular color of Calcite is a balm to the endocrine system.  It assists in balancing blood sugar and supports all glandular functions and the immune system.  I believe this is a very important addition to this particular design--Fire element people tend to burn themselves out!! (Pun intended. lol.)



Lastly, after choosing the other 5 stones, I felt something was missing in the mix.  After brainstorming my overall purpose of this design, I realized what was missing--heart.  There was plenty of raw passion, momentum, and motivation...but the emotional factor seemed to be missing.  Rhodochrosite (warm pink with black inclusions) popped into mind and it even looked beautiful with all the golds and oranges!  What's awesome is that Rhodochrosite is both a Fire AND Water element stone. It is exactly what is needed to finish off this masterpiece--its energies are fiery enough to mesh, but its water energies cool and soothe the other stones just to take the edge off.  It is a loving and heart-healing stone.  Not only that, it reaches out to the inner child.  It teaches us to reconnect with that part of ourselves, and in the process we rediscover the practice and importance of play, creativity and expressing love and affection.  It may also stir up old wounds that need to be brought to the surface for deep-seated healing.  The wonderful thing is that when combined with all these other Fire element stones, you will feel ready to move through any pain with courage, and when you come out on the other side you will feel joyful, comforted and encouraged that this life is good!


Whew!  That was an intense bunch of information!  Well, at least it was for me.  lol.  Getting all my thoughts about it down on paper was a lot more work than I realized!  It just confirms even more that this bangle is perfect for me :)  How would the Fire bangle work in your life??

Next up...the WATER Elemental Bangle...just go with the flow...

Thanks for stopping in :)